Handmade Finger Knitted Art (Embroidery Hoop)

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I had been working on a Series of wall decor for Summer recently. And I came up with a Wall Gallery.  The series comprises of easy wall decor tutorials and ideas.
Handmade Finger Knitted Art (DIY Embroidery Hoop).
Today I am sharing with you a simple technique to knit on an embroidery hoop using braids.
These braids can easily be made using thread or yarn.  Let’s take a look at this easy DIY embroidery hoop tutorial.
embroidery hoop handmade finger knitted art
Series- Easy Wall Decor

Handmade finger knitted art

Inspired by the DIY woven finger-knitting hula-hoop rug by Flax and Twine, I made this wall art  I wanted to try my hand at it but my practical experience led me to a completely different and much easier technique.  Furthermore, I used braided strands which I think look interesting. And were much easier to work with than the thread.

Embroidery Hoop Tutorial:

handmade finger knitted art
I started by tightly knotting the thread around the hoop.  I used 4 strings stretched around the embroidery hoop, leading to 8 lines from the center to work with!  You can increase the strings for extended support for your knitting if you want.  But the tiny embroidery hoop I was working with seemed to support the braids well on 8 lines.
3 strings braid bracelet tutorial
Now the fun part starts.  I used Embroidery Floss in a variety of colors to make 3-string braid.
I started by creating just one braid, stretched at the length of the embroidery floss- which means I divided the thread into 3 parts. And used it as the sample for the rest of the colors.
(see the image link for understanding the length of the thread)
1 Braid= 3 Strings x Each string containing 7 strings.
So, I ended up working with 7 colors for a braid.
hand knitting art
Next I knitted the braid through the embroidery hoop. Going in an alternative pattern for 3-4 rounds. 
(Above, Below, Above, Below the lines)
After completing a few rounds to secure the braid. I continued in an alternative rounds pattern .
(Round 5- Below, Above, Below, Above
Round 6- Above, Below, Above, Below)
You can also tie a small piece of fabric or ribbon to help you note that a round is complete.
Make sure you tighten up the braid and secure it in place as you go. Alternative rounds hides the white strings.
So you don’t have to worry about it looking ugly.

Hand Knitted art

wall decor embroidery hoop
Since, I had no idea how many braids I will be needing for completing my embroidery hoop.  I continued making one braid at a time. Which lead to creating 3 braids for covering the entire hoop with the finger knitted art.
handmade finger knitted art
Working with 3 braids, I used 7 colors for each braid.
And 21 colors for the entire project.
I had no idea how the colors would complement each other. I used a combination of dark and light braids. And used shades of Blue as the main color through out the project.
handmade finger knitted art
I am very much loving the knitted art embroidery hoop  What about you?
This is also a fun project to do with kids for their bedroom or playroom.
We all know that excitement when kid’s art is displayed in their space.
handmade finger knitted art
I hope you enjoyed this handmade finger knitted art on embroidery hoop. I would love for you to check out my Gallery Wall reveal. And let me know what you think!
DIY gallery wall reveal
To see all the projects of this series, go to DIY Easy Wall Decor Complete Series.
Which one do you think is the best?

Looking for more Wall Decorating ideas?

Check out tutorials in the category Wall Art.

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Hi, I’m Hani

I’m a mom of 2 decorating and soulfully designing our home. I love to share crafts and simple ideas for home and garden.

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  1. Lori Stokes Wright says:

    Love this Hani! You should join the Hookn' on Hump Day, a party for fiber art.

  2. Lubaina E. says:

    It's so easy to make. Amazing idea Hani 😀

  3. Donna Wilkes says:

    Came over from Friday Fun party (Is that weird?) This is one crazy cool project!

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  4. Crafty Mischief says:

    Love this! My kids have been wanting to learn how to crochet but I'm not sure they're old enough quite yet. This would be perfect! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  5. CREATIVE MIND says:

    This is so beautiful Hani..awesome!!

  6. Laura Cyra says:

    Great job Hani! Thanks for sharing. Laura stopping by from Real Momma and the Best of Your Best Blog Hop!

  7. Kelley @ Miss Information says:

    So Colorful and Creative Thanks so much for linking up at the the Best of Your Best Blog hop at Miss Information!

  8. Jessi Wohlwend says:

    This is way cool looking, and simple! Thanks so much for sharing at The Fun In Functional!

  9. Aunt B says:

    This is very striking. Thank you for sharing the idea.

  10. Ambreen (Simply Sweet 'n Savory) says:

    Awesome work, Hani! Look great, very colorful!

  11. Seaweed and Raine says:

    Tres cool! And so simple to do (so you make it seem, anyway!).

  12. live-love-laugh says:

    This is so clever and creative I LOVE IT!! will have to give these a go myself
    i would love it if you would join us at our party to share this wonderful creation

  13. Sara @ My Merry Messy Life says:

    What an interesting idea! I've never seen anything like that before. Very creative! Thanks for linking up at Hookin On Hump Day!

  14. Michelles Tasty Creations says:

    This is beautiful! My daughter would love to make one. Thanks for sharing at Creative Thursday each week. I appreciate YOU! Can't wait to see what you link up next 🙂

  15. Britni@Hubby Made Me says:

    So pretty and colorful! It looks like fun to make too! Such a lovely idea. I'm so happy to have you share your beautiful projects at my Throwback Thursday party. I hope you'll come back again this week!

  16. Carrie says:

    Oh, very pretty!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  17. Angie Ramirez says:

    Very creative!!! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  18. Betsy Pool says:

    Looks awesome! Very creative. Thanks for linking up at Romance on a Dime!

  19. Betsy Pool says:

    Looks awesome! Very creative. Thanks for linking up at Romance on a Dime!

  20. Julie says:

    This is really cool. I really like this idea and all of your wall art ideas. Thanks so much for sharing on Marvelous Mondays!

  21. Christine says:

    This is soooo CUTE Hani!! I'm going to show this to Gabrielle.. she's going to love the fact that she can create this too!

    Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  22. Tauni says:

    What a fun project! I love that it's something easy enough that the kids could make their own.

    Thanks for sharing on Show & Tell at SNAP!

    xoxo, Tauni

  23. The Bean Sprout Notes says:

    This is really unique. I've never seen anything like it before!

  24. Lelanie Denso says:

    Definitely pretty! Thanks for sharing this at the Crafty Saturday Party! we are featuring this at the party today, Hanni ^^) I can't wait to see what you have in store for us this week!


  25. rubab atif says:

    I am loving ur blog 🙂

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