DIYOrganize. July 12th, 2024

How to get organized? Top Practical Home Tips

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Are you tired of feeling like your life is a puzzle with missing pieces? Do you struggle to stay on top of tasks, appointments, and responsibilities? Do you wish you had a clear mind and a sense of control over your daily routine?

Getting organized is the answer. But, what does that even mean? Is it just about tidying up your space or managing your time? Nope. documenting a system that works for you, so you can achieve your goals and reduce stress.

To make it easy to follow, we’ve divided this article into categories, so you can jump straight to the section that interests you the most. From kitchen organization to travel planning, cleaning, money management, file organization, and more, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s dive into the world of organization, where you’ll learn how to transform your daily routine, maximize your efficiency, and enjoy a sense of calm and clarity.

how to get organized

Home and Space

1) Kitchen Organization

Ready to transform your kitchen into a happy place? Our tips will help you create a space that’s both stylish and functional, where cooking is a joy and not a task.

Organize Kitchen Items-A Place for Everything:

Tired of wasting time searching for kitchen utensils and ingredients? Purge and categorize items, designate zones for each group, assign a home for each item in a logical zone, label and design each spot, and store and maintain items in their assigned homes. Create a kitchen where everything has its own home, saving you time and stress!

Planning Meals and Maintaining Groceries:

Plan, list, shop, then prep smart by designating a prep day, chopping, cooking, and portioning meals, and labeling and storing for easy reheats. Enjoy stress-free eats!

Get yourself this amazing tool to plan your meal and shopping list without wasting your extra buck from Etsy.


2) Cleaning

Ah, cleaning – the ultimate self-care! A tidy space clears your mind and reduces stress. But, we know it feels overwhelming. That’s why we’ve got practical tips to help you declutter, organize, and sparkle your way to a peaceful haven.

Implement a routine for regular cleaning and maintenance:

To keep your place tidy and all that jazzy, Get your cleaning game organized and stick to a schedule. Use a planner, app, or whiteboard to:

– Keep track of cleaning tasks in an organized way. (don’t forget those deadlines)

Shop Echo Studio to help you set reminders for different cleaning tasks.


– Keep your cleaning supplies organized (no more scrambling for that one cleaner!)

Shop storage Bins for organizing cleaning supplies.


– Plan those deep cleans and maintenance checks in an organized fashion (seasonal vibes!)

Shop Clean House Planner


– Set reminders for stuff like air filters and light bulbs.

– Assign tasks to specific days (Monday = Dust and vacuum, Tuesday = bathrooms and laundry, and so on…)

Shop weekly or monthly planners


– Break bigger tasks into smaller, organized chunks (one room at a time!)


– Schedule regular maintenance checks and keep your home’s systems and appliances running smoothly and organized!


3) Closet

Get your closet organized and start your day off right! Create a peaceful and functional space where everything has its place, and you can easily find what you need by following these tips

Organize Your Closet:

Sort items into keep, donate, and discard piles, then group similar items together. Use dividers to keep them separate and store accessories in labeled bins. Hang clothes by color, creating a rainbow effect that’s easy on the eyes. With a closet system that maximizes space, you’ll be enjoying stress-free mornings in no time!

Shop Closet Organizer System


Maintaining the Closet’s Order:

Is closet clutter getting out of control? Dedicate 10 minutes weekly to hang up wrinkled clothes, put away accessories, and store out-of-season items in labeled bins. This simple habit will maintain your closet’s organization and peace!

Get this amazing wardrobe manager for smart decluttering and closet planning!


Maximize Your Closet Space to Track Potential:

To maximize your closet space, install shelves and a closet system that fits your needs, and replace single hangers with double hangers to double your hanging space. Measure your closet’s vertical space and install storage solutions that maximize it. This will help to make the most of your space.

Shop Double Hangers

Pro tip: Use ottomans and other furniture that has hidden storage!


4) Storage

Optimize your storage to track and transform your workspace into a hub of efficiency and productivity. Our solutions will help you maximize your storage potential and maintain a clutter-free environment.

Organize garage or storage spaces:

Get your space in order by dividing it into zones, setting up shelves and hooks, and utilizing that ceiling space. Carve out areas for your stuff, install shelves and hooks, and store bins or racks up high to keep everything tidy and in its place!

Shop these floating shelves and checkout our simple and efficient garage makeover with wall ideas.


Utilize Storage Containers and Bins:

Identify clutter, gather bins, and sort items into categories. Assign a labeled bin to each group, fill it with items, and store it in a designated spot. Use dividers to keep items organized within the bin. Finally, maintain your newly organized space by putting things back in their assigned bin.

Craft your storage containers using recyclable materials like these bins, boxes, and baskets under five dollars that look impressive by Craftionary.


5) Home Maintenance

Keep your home happy and healthy! Regular maintenance and organization can prevent costly repairs, reduce energy bills, and create a cozy living space. Want to know how?

Organize and Schedule Your Repairs

Organize your home maintenance by prioritizing tasks, tracking repairs with HomeZada, and keeping records with Home Repairs Record Keeper. Schedule regular checks and tasks, like changing air filters and inspecting gutters, to prevent issues. Stay on top of maintenance to keep your home running smoothly and avoid costly repairs.

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Personal and Family

Simplify your self-care routine with our personal organization solutions! Here are the tips.

1) Schedule Self-Care

Carve out 10-15 minutes daily for self-care. Use a Life Planner to schedule activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Identify what self-care means to you, prioritize joy-filled activities, and track progress. Hold yourself accountable and reflect on the positive impact it has on your well-being.


2) Streamline Your Skincare

Struggling with dull skin? Get a consistent glow with a hydrating cleanser and an organized schedule, Improve texture, tone, and radiance, revealing healthier, smoother skin that shines with a confident glow.

Shop this mini skincare fridge to keep it all handy and organized.


3) Mindful Moments

To make mindfulness a daily habit, start by setting aside a few minutes each day to unwind with the Headspace or Calm Meditation app. Make sure to schedule it in your planner so it doesn’t get overlooked! Additionally, treat yourself to an adult coloring book and commit to making time for it every day. By doing so, you’ll be taking small but significant steps towards prioritizing your mental well-being and reducing stress.


4) Get Lost in a Good Book

Feeling stressed? Escape with the Amazon Kindle. Organize your reading list and schedule time to read each day, creating a relaxing routine that reduces stress and increases calmness.


5) Reflect and Refine

Feeling overwhelmed? Write down your thoughts, feelings, and goals in the Moleskine Journal. Reflecting on your experiences and emotions will help you stay organized, focused, and in control – gaining clarity and peace of mind.


Pet Care

Feeling overwhelmed by your pet’s needs? Vet visits, playtime, and records galore can be stressful! But Cleo is here to help, keeping everything organized and at your fingertips. Download now and trade chaos for calm, effortlessly managing your fur baby’s care.



Ready to trade chaos for calm? Let’s get your family organized! From schedules to stuff, we’ll help you simplify and streamline your way to a more peaceful home.

1) Organize Your Family’s Schedules

Ditch the chaos and get your family’s schedules in sync with the Family Wall (Family Organizer App). Great for tracking appointments, doctor visits, birthdays, and events in one place. No more missed events or confused faces!

Take a few minutes each week to review and update your family’s schedule together. Grab some snacks, make a routine, and enjoy a sense of control!

This customizable family acrylic wall calendar is also a great way to track daily appointments, events, birthdays, and other family tasks.


2) Organize Your Family’s Photos

Tired of photo chaos? Tame the clutter with the Google Photos App! This game-changing tool helps you store, categorize, and share your favorite moments, so you’ll never have to worry about lost photos or cluttered albums again. Plus, collect your physical photos in albums and enjoy a seamless trip down memory lane. Say goodbye to photo stress and hello to treasured memories!

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1) Files:

Keep your financial documents in order and easily accessible. Stay organized, reduce stress, and save time with our file management solutions.


2) Organize Digital Files and Documents:

Struggling to find files in a sea of digital clutter? Organize your digital life with logical folders, clear file names, labels, and tags, and transform the way you work! With Trello, you’ll be able to locate what you need in seconds, saving you time and reducing stress.


3) Keep paperwork and filing systems up to date:

“Drowning in paperwork? Take control! Set aside time each week to sort, file, and purge. Shred sensitive info and banish clutter. With a tidy system, you’ll find what you need in seconds and breathe a sigh of relief.

Shop this handy file organizer to make your organizing tasks easier.


4) Organize Important Documents and Paperwork:

Safeguard your vital documents from disaster? Keep them secure and sound with a fireproof safe! Enjoy easy access and peace of mind, knowing your important papers are protected from harm.

Shop Fireproof Safe


Time and Task Management

We all know the struggle is real when it comes to staying on top of our tasks, goals, and deadlines. But fear not, we’ve got some tips to share that’ll help you get your life together in no time.

1) Create and Scheduling Morning Routine:

Morning mayhem getting you down? Flip the script with a powerful morning routine – sweat, serenity, or scribbles! Then, tame your schedule with a trusty planner like Google Calendar or an app like Todoist.Voila! Chaos turns to clarity, and your day is transformed!


2) Set Goals, Priorities, & Time:

Lost in a sea of tasks? Anchor yourself with clear goals and priorities! Use The Savvy Sparrow To-Do Lists to chart your course, focus your time, and make progress a breeze!”


3) Stay Organized & On Track with Reminders & Alerts:

Last-minute stress got you down? Set reminders and alerts, and use apps like Evernote or Forest to stay organized and focused. Say goodbye to missed deadlines and hello to productivity and peace of mind!

Here are some products that can help you stay focused and productive:

White noise machines

Focus-enhancing essential oils and diffusers

Desk Calendar


4) Learn to Say ‘No’ to Non nonessential

Stuck in a productivity rut? Break free by learning to say no to distractions and yes to your goals! With TickTick, you’ll transform your workflow, prioritize what matters, and achieve more than you thought possible. Take the first step towards a more focused, productive you!


Digital Life

In today’s digital world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by cluttered emails, scattered files, and forgotten passwords. But by getting organized, you can take back control, reduce stress, and boost productivity. Let’s know how!

1) Organize Your Computer Desktop and Files

Digital chaos got you down? Organize your files in clear folders, structure your thoughts with Evernote’s notes and tags, and backup securely with external hard drive. Transform your productivity and gain clarity today by following these simple steps!


2) Strong and Unique Passwords and their organization

Tired of password overload? Organize with LastPass or 1Password, generating strong and unique passwords. Consider physical products for added security. Say goodbye to sticky notes and forgotten logins – take control of your password chaos today!

Shop Index Card Holder with lock


Financial Ventures

1) Money

With a few simple strategies, you can master your money management skills, create a budget that works for you, and enhance the safety net for the future. Get ready to breathe easy and achieve financial freedom!

2) Create a budget and track expenses

Financial stress got you down? Create a budget, track expenses, and take control of your money! Use the 50/30/20 rule, prioritize needs over wants, and automate your savings. Go from mess to peace – start building a brighter financial future today!

Get your budget planner or use Receipt Lens app.


3) Maintaining Financial Documents

Chaos in your financial papers? Connect all your documents in one secure spot with Shoeboxed, and easily scan and organize your receipts, contracts, and more. Get organized, reduce stress, and take control of your finances!


4) Setting long-term financial goals

Financial uncertainty is holding you back. Break free with a clear plan! Reading Financial Planner Book might be your roadmap to success, helping you set goals, track progress, and build a safety net. Get unstuck, gain control, and achieve financial freedom – start planning your future today!



Travel stress got you down? Planning and packing can be a game-changer! Imagine exploring freely, weight off your shoulders. Trust me, it’s liberating!

1) Plan and organize trips and vacations

Wang to plan like a pro? Set a budget, book flights and accommodations, and research transportation. Don’t forget travel insurance and a universal power adapter – you got this!

Use the TripIt app to make your traveling easier and better!


2) Keep a travel journal and scrapbook

Thinking about how to capture memories forever? Write down your adventure, collect tickets and postcards, and create a beautiful scrapbook. Reflect and relive the journey while staying organized.


Mind and Body

1) Creative Pursuits

Level up your creativity game by following these two rules!

– Carve out me-time with Google Calendar and get creative with painting, writing, or gardening!

– Shake things up with Adobe Creative Cloud and try something new – like knitting, AI writing and imaging, or photography.

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Health and Wellness

Taking care of our health and wellness is essential, but it can be overwhelming. By getting organized, you can simplify your routine, reduce stress, and make time for self-care. With a few simple changes, you can prioritize your well-being and improve your overall health. Here’s how…

1) Prioritize Fitness and Wellness Routines

Exercise is crucial for our overall well-being but difficult to keep track of! To organize your fitness goals, schedule workouts into your daily routine using the Nike Training Club App. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

Commit to 30 minutes of physical activity daily and organize your day to make time for self-care.


2) Supplements and Medications

Forgetfulness sabotaging your medication routine? Keep alarms for regular and timely intake, store supplements and medications in a convenient pill box or dispenser, and stay hydrated with a water bottle. Stay on track and take control of your health!


3) Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Sleep, glorious sleep! To organize your sleep patterns, use a sleep tracker like Apple Watch or Fitbit to monitor and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Wake up feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready to tackle the day!

Organize your bedtime routine to signal to your body that it’s time to snooze, and wake up feeling refreshed!

Get yourself this magical Sleep-promoting essential oil.

Maintain an organized life by establishing a consistent routine. Set reminders, develop productive habits, and regularly review progress. Be gentle with yourself when you slip up, and get back on track quickly. This will help you sustain an organized lifestyle and enjoy the benefits that come with it. By staying organized, you’ll be amazed at how much more control and clarity you’ll have in your life!

Now, go forth and conquer your chaos!

how to get organized with easy and practical tips


Written by: Sabah Waqas

Welcome to craftionary


Hi, I’m Hani

I’m a mom of 2 decorating and soulfully designing our home. I love to share crafts and simple ideas for home and garden.

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  1. Angela says:

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  2. Hani, thanks for featuring my 5 Pearls of Wisdom post! It’s among such great company in this round-up.

  3. Linda says:

    Thanks for featuring me, Hani!! So appreciate it!! Linda

  4. Thank you for the feature, Hani!

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