Build with brothers. August 26th, 2022

LEGO beyblades make with Lego at home | Let it rip!

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LEGO beyblades


Lego beyblades or lego bleyblades? I would like to know what you call them? In our home, we have a debate going on about which term to use and our two boys like to stick with their own one. So, we have a beyblade VS bleyblade battle going on in our beyblade arena during the tournament. Let it rip!

What is a beyblade (bleyblade)?

Beyblade or bleyblade is a Japanese toy which resembles a spinning top. It come with a variety of metallic parts that can be put together and a launcher that sends it into spinning motion. These can be customized with lego to make lego beyblades.

There are so many varieties of beyblades available everywhere. Anytime our boys are ripping their beyblade battle, they want to try a new one. They like to see which one spins the most. Which one keeps spinning after ripping the other one down. In short words, which one keeps going on at the end of the battle.


Make your own Lego beyblades video

Here’s a cool video of the beyblades. Make your own and let it rip!

How to play with beyblades?

More than one beyblade goes spinning during a bleyblade battle. In each round, the last one spinning wins. Known as the ripper. The champion! Kids keep track of score in each round during a beyblade tournament. The aim is to win at the end of the game.

Lego beyblades teach kids science

I love how these beyblades can be customized in many different ways. Each time your child tries to make a beyblade with lego, it’s an experiment. Your child learns the various concepts of physics practically. The spinning of beyblades and impact of collision bring concepts of gravity, friction, motion and other environmental factors in a child’s analysis. These are great concepts that your child can practice and master while building lego beyblades.

Can you make beyblades with Lego?

So, they came up with this great idea to make their own Lego beyblades. Fascinating idea that’s what I thought. When they get together with their friends, they like to make new ones all the time. I love it! They get to be creative and experiment with new creations all the time.

Kids Lego beyblades

These are typically very easy to make. And these cool latest collection of beyblades made with lego are all yours to try at home as well. Tried on bleyblade battles or beyblade battles this weekend. Super fun to make and easy to customize as required. Check them out:

Make your own Lego beyblades

Lego beyblade 1


Step 1: The parts

You will need a few basic Lego pieces that every Lego builder must have at home. See the above image for the parts you need.

Step 2: Build the beyblade

Join the pieces together and make your Lego bleyblade. See the video we have compiled to assist you in building your own.

Step 3: Let it rip

Your beyblade is ready for action.

Lego beyblade 2


Here’s another one with Lego parts in the image. The video to help you make it can be found at the end of the post.

How to make a beyblade stadium?

There are lots of creative ways to make a stadium for beyblade tournaments. Here are a few my kids use at home and we will be sharing them soon.

1. Paper plate beyblade stadium

Simply use a paper plate as your stadium. Great for a real ripping effect for the tournament as the beyblades get little space to spin around and collide much often.

2. Cardboard box arena

Turn any size cardboard box into arena. Gives the child option to decide on the size they want. However, the corners are the troublemaker here.

3. Small tub beyblade stadium

Turn a dollarama plastic tub into a beyblade stadium. Great for beyblade challenges. Also the plastic surface adds to the efficiency of the spin. Let it rip!

4. Lego beyblade stadium

Make a Lego border and use the floor to spin your beyblades. Can be made anywhere and allows room for creativity.

Why do you need a stadium for beyblade tournament?

Kids love to use various forms of stadiums to make a boundary around the beyblade which allows the beyblades to collide with each other. Else they may spin out in various directions and not serve the purpose of beyblade challenge.


I hope you enjoyed these ideas. Our boys also love to get creative with other building toys. You can follow there creations at Build with brothers.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram for crafty ideas for boys and lots of more fun.

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  2. terence says:

    I want to make a strong lego beyblade that can burst.

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