Quick Recipes. August 26th, 2022

CAPPUCCINO COFFEE RECIPE – 3 way frothy instant coffee

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Today I am sharing the love of my life with you! The reason for my bright mornings and the fuel to my brain. Without it I cannot effectively start functioning! Introducing homemade cappuccino coffee recipe that will give you a super frothy and creamy coffee with only three ingredients.

Before getting started, I want you to know there is no way you can go wrong with this recipe. However, there are some tips that I have learned overtime and I practice daily to get the best results.



I will be sharing 3 ways you can get the same result! I’ll guide you through the ways which can save you time and $$ for sure! Also get you the best coffee with your choice of ingredients and especially milk. There is no cream required to make the froth in your coffee.

Whether you are a homemaker or have work in the morning! I have you covered today!

You will find 3 ways to make cappuccino in this post and a video tutorial to make homemade hand beaten cappuccino recipe at the bottom of the post. Let’s get started:


Video tutorial cappuccino coffee recipe

Check out this amazing video tutorial I have put together to guide you through the recipe. Enjoy!



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Cappuccino Ingredients


– Milk – ( I use 1% or skim milk, you can use whatever you prefer)
– Instant coffee – I love since forever Nescafe Dark Roast
– Sugar – accordingly
– Drops of water to make paste. Try to have fewer drops if it’s too flowy it won’t blend to give you desired froth. As long as you have enough drops of water to mix it with a spoon you are good to go!

MY COFFEE CONTAINS: I use 1 tbsp of coffee with 2 tsp of sugar! I’m a sweet tooth! I use yupik organic cane sugar from amazon. It is currently unavailable. I am sharing yupik maple sugar just to share for future reference. Just search it’s cane sugar in future.

And that’s it!


Cappuccino Coffee Recipe

METHOD 1: Serves just one

Homemade Cappuccino for one

Now stir it in one direction only for a few seconds. The more you stir the creamier the paste will be. You can tell by looking at the color changing as you stir the paste. The lighter the color the sticker your cappuccino coffee froth!

TIP: Please note this method makes noise and may not be effective for work spaces or if you can’t handle noise of a spoon stirring.

METHOD 2: Serves just one

Cappuccino with frother for one

Similar result can be achieved by using frother if you can’t stir constantly or fast due to any reason! You will need to add a few more drops of water than method 1 to keep your frother moving in the paste. You will get a frothier cappuccino but not as best as method 1. But worry not I still have you covered! To get method 1 froth without stirring skip to method 3.

Since, this method makes very little noise it is ideal for workspaces. You can even toss one in your hand carry while you travel to make cappuccino coffee on the go! I used frother from ikea but it can commonly be found at any kitchen appliances store.

I bought my milk frother from ikea and it has been lasting me for years now. Still it makes minimal noise. Since, milk forthers are easily available you can get yours from any kitchen appliances store.

METHOD 3: Serves many

Cappuccino with beater in advance

If you like to plan things in advance this method is for you! The great thing about this method is you can make the paste in advance without any labor work i.e. manual stirring and end up with frothy cappuccino coffee even better than method one. It’s a win win because with this method you can make the paste in advance and make coffee for more than one person.

TIP: It’s great for entertaining a crowd as well. Simply take 1 tbsp coffee to 2 tsp sugar i.e. 1:2 and multiply it with as many cups you would like to make in advance. Now add drops of water to make a paste and use your beater to make frothy paste.

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Prepare cappuccino coffee paste in bulk

You can put it in a bowl or container and refrigerate for later use. This paste can last for a week or two. It’s ideal for busy mornings. You can take the paste to work as well!

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Pour milk and water to instant coffee

Now that your paste is ready all you have to do is pour boiling milk or water or both. And your coffee is ready!

Are you a quick in quick out of kitchen chef like me? Find more instant recipes under the category Quick Recipes on the blog.

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I’m so glad you're here. I'm a mom of 2 with a passion for DIY and crafting. I love to share ideas for turning simple materials into beautiful home and garden decor that brings warmth and personality to any space.

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