KidsPrintablesQuick Recipes. October 24th, 2014

Superhero Power Drink (Healthy Recipes)

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Superhero power drink (Healthy Recipes). In the hopes of making my little one eat veggies, we have tried many different varieties of food. So, far the picky eater only touches a few vegetables. And hardly one or two green ones. The best we can do to make him eat his veggies is a pizza. Which originally is not a good option anyway! And one of these days my uncle who’s a cardiologist, told me what he does with his youngest daughter. A super choosy kid! He makes a juice out of fruits and vegetables. And it tastes great. With a few variations, I came up with the power drink that is very popular in our household. Well maybe the term is more popular but hey as long as it works!


Superhero Power Drink


superhero power drink


I made two variations only so far, and noticed the red one really tastes good. While, the green one doesn’t taste that good to us.

So, first I am going to share the best power drink for kids.


Best power drink


superhero power drink for kids


The recipe is a blend of 3 fruits and 3 veggies/ vegetables.


You can find lots of great websites to read about the nutrients each one carries.


Power drink recipe


We like to call it Iron Man Power Drink. Because its red in color, full of iron and this secret recipe was personally forwarded to Abbas’s mom.

Because he wants Abbas to be strong and smart like him.

(exactly what I told my son)




  • 3 Apples
  • 1 1/2 cup orange juice
  • A pack of blueberries
  • Some spinach leaves
  • 3-4 Carrots
  • Half a stalk of celery
  • Flax seeds (optional)




Depending on your choice, you can either use a blender. Or a juicer. Either way you get all the nutrients.


 But I prefer to use a blender. And then strain the juice out. And keep the left over veggies and fruits.


The above quantity yields: 3 glasses


The green power drink which we like to call Hulk power drink is the result of replacing apples and blueberries with strawberries and grapes respectively.

Since juices are sweet only, or that’s what my boy thinks. We like to add dates and orange juice for making it sweet.

Strictly NO SUGAR!


power drink leftovers


The leftovers I like to keep for a week only. And right now we finish them easily in this period.


Great for spreading in sandwiches and wraps along with cheese, mayo, chicken whatever you like. Also a scoop of it tastes great with whatever meal you are having.

I personally love eating it with crackers and cheese too. Just think out of the box and you will discover a new favorite that is healthy too.


superhero power drink veggies


The best time to drink this juice/ power drink is early in the morning. Which I find really hard. So, I make it in the evening as soon as I reach home after picking up my son from the school. He is normally hungry and loves to drink his superhero power drink.


We have it twice a week. And sometimes on the weekend too. For days you are running low on time, it’s best to store the veggies in a container. Sliced, washed and ready to blend. The above storage method also works for fruits if consumed within a week.


free printable power drink


I know the post is getting very long, but I wanted to share everything that makes it easy to adopt.


Although the two drinks I have tried so far contain 3 veggies and 3 fruits. I am thinking of trying a simpler formula. 2 veggies and 2 fruits.

The above chart is a FREE PRINTABLE for the various ingredients we like to use in our superhero power drink.

It does not include seasonal varieties.


Print the superhero power drink 8×10 Free Printable, HERE.


So what 4 ingredients will you use? I would love to try your blend too.


p.s: I don’t have a little girl but I am sure every mom knows what their kids want to hear. 🙂


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I’m a mom of 2 decorating and soulfully designing our home. I love to share crafts and simple ideas for home and garden.

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