CandlesCraftsDecorateTutorials. October 15th, 2024

Make Easy Gel Wax Candle (tutorial)

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Tutorial to make gel candles. Make easy gel wax candle. A DIY tutorial to help you make gel candles.
I come from a family of creative ladies.  Who love to craft, decorate and simply create.
While I was away from writing about my crafty adventures, I learned to make candles with my cousin. And this cute little thing is my first ever candle.

Make easy gel wax candle

I also have a name for this cute DIY candle.
Under The Sea
Not only do they look amazing but you will have real fun making gel candles.



Make Easy Gel Wax Candle Material:

You will need:




Instructions to make easy gel wax candle:

Make It:

Start by placing the candle wick at the base of the glass. Zinc wick is a common choice for gel candles.

Tip for perfect candlewick

What I missed:

1) It’s always better to roll the wick around a pencil

2) Put the pencil on the top of the glass jar, so when you pour gel; it stays in the center



What can I use to fill in gel wax candles?

  • Fill the glass jar with sea shells.
  • You can also use glass beads or marbles
  • Stones or pebbles
  • Pearls or seashells
  • Dried flowers covered with resins
  • Wood cutouts
  • Metal leaves and florals
  • Glass petals and faux items
  • Basically anything your heart desires that is inflammable

3) Here I have tucked-in a few colorful stamens into a sea shell.

4) They resemble the look of corals in the sea to me!


Here’s how it looks so far:


5) Now take a small amount of gel wax in a pan or pot

6) Take an approximate amount of gel wax to fill your glass jar (depending on the size of your glass container)

7) Warm it on a VERY low flame in a pan, otherwise it can burn.

What to do with leftover gel wax?

You don’t have to worry about the left over liquid warm gel candle wax getting wasted.  You can easily restore it for later use once it solidifies in the pan. Also keep in mind that it solidifies quickly. Use a wax melting pot for best results.


1) Slowly pour wax i.e. the melted gel wax into the glass jar, making sure you don’t move the glass jar.

2) Stability helps reduce the formation of bubbles.

3) You can move it once the hot gel sets completely.

How to avoid bubble formation in gel wax candle?

Tip: If bubbles are formed for any reason.  Place the candle near a window with sunlight to reduce the bubbles formation.


– Here I stopped pouring gel wax to try another fun technique

– I stopped pouring gel wax at half and added drops of blue food color

– The blue ring gives a beautiful ocean feel to the candle

– I added only two drops and you can see how it looks

How to form colors in gel wax candles?

3 things I learned:

1) You can mix the dye color in the pan, when warming the gel and use stirrer for stirring to make colored wax.

2) You can quickly add food color drops in the glass jar.

3) While the gel wax is still in the liquid form it will form beautiful swirls.


– And you can also wait for a few seconds (let’s say 15-20 seconds) and then put drops of color.

– The semi-solid gel wax will not allow the color to penetrate much and make a ring of color.

Think about all the wonderful possibilities using this technique!

Here’s a close look of the ring I made.


– Once again I wanted my fish to be floating above the sea shells.

– So I waited for the halfway gel wax to cool down and settle.

– It cools down fast so a few minutes is good enough.

– Place your heavy objects like fish and pour the gel wax again following the same warm and pour method.

– Let it cool and set at room temperature.


How to position decoration items in candles?

Use chopstick, skewer or stirrer to dip, move and embed your items to the desired position in the gel wax while it is hot. Try to reduce the movement to avoid bubble formation.
Colorful from the top.  Wow!
And easy as a pie, your done!


Will you make easy gel wax candle now? See how cute it looks!

I hope you enjoyed the gel candle tutorial.
Do you have burned out candles at home? Check out this tutorial on how to recycle candles that don’t burn anymore.

More Great Gel Candles Ideas

Beautiful wedding gift made with sea shells upside down. Make this candle with a floor made by pouring layers of colorful sand.



How about a floor of crushed glass and algae?

You can also use salt to make this candle’s base.  And also glue salt on tiny twigs to make algae.



More ways to make Gel candles:


Use spices and gold leaf to make clear gel candles.


Add dyes or food coloring to make gel tealights by recycling old tealight cups.


You will also like:

25 DIY Decorative Candle Tutorials.

Making Candles


Looking for fun craft ideas?

Check out tutorials in the categories Handmade Flowers and Wall Art.
Are you on pinterest?
You will also enjoy the DIY Candles Board.
Updated regularly whenever I find unique ideas.

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Hi, I’m Hani

I’m a mom of 2 decorating and soulfully designing our home. I love to share crafts and simple ideas for home and garden.

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  1. Kala says:

    Oh my gosh!!!! Very lovely loved it will try for this valentine n where do u get this gel wax

  2. Danni Baird @ Silo Hill Farm says:

    Beautiful! I love gel candles and had no idea how to make them. They're on my project list now! THanks for sharing. Saw you over at While He Was Napping!

  3. Hi Friends,
    Kala asked me where did I buy gel wax? I want to answer the question here, just in case someone else is curious too.. You can easily find gel wax in any craft store, it's very common craft material.
    You can look for good deals on it at amazon and eBay. Or go look for it at michaels, hobby lobby, joann and other craft stores. It's available everywhere.

    1. manasi7 says:

      Hi.this is very pretty candle and would love to make. I want to ask can we make this gel candle at home?

      1. Hani Shabbir says:

        Yes you can! I made them at home too. Just be careful during the heating and pouring of gel as it involves heat and make sure your surface is porous.

  4. 1CardCreator says:

    Very pretty!

  5. Kara at Petals to Picots says:

    Hi Hani! This is such a great candle! Very cool!! Thanks for sharing at my party 🙂

  6. shopannies says:


  7. Clairejustine says:

    These are great,thanks again for linking up to Creative Mondays 🙂

  8. Jana says:

    How fun!! 🙂 Thanks for linking up at Giggles, Glitz & Glam.

  9. Erika @ My Road to Savings says:

    This is so cool! I pinned this so I can remember to make these. Can't wait to see what I can create 🙂

  10. Betsy Pool says:

    Wow – this is a great tutorial. Thanks for sharing how to do this!!

    Thanks for linking up to Take it on Tuesday blog hop!

  11. Tales of a Trophy WIfe says:

    very cool!

  12. Susie says:

    I was wondering if you can put something in these wax candles to make them have a nice scent.

  13. sstone says:

    Absolutely beautiful! I've never even thought of making gel candles.

  14. {Adventuresindinner} says:

    I love your finished product AND I get to play with fire. Win. Win.

    Thanks so much for taking part in our Pin'Inspiration Party. Hope that you are having as much fun exploring as I am and that you'll take part in helping the “Beat the Winter Blues” on Saturday.

  15. Angie Ramirez says:

    that is an awesome idea for a party favor! Thanks for sharing and linking up at Create & Inspire!

    Angie from A Little Inspiration

  16. Amy says:

    Too fun! I heart the beach! Would you consider sharing here?

  17. Lisa @ Flour Me With Love says:

    This is so neat…I can't wait to try making these! I'd love for you to share this idea at Mix it up Monday:

    I hope to see you soon 🙂

  18. Aimee - says:

    Too Cute!! I love it! I'm your newest follower….Thanks so much for linking up!!

    XO, Aimee

  19. Alison @ Oopsey Daisy says:

    What a COOL idea! You are a creative genius 🙂 Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  20. Buddy says:

    great post

  21. SusieQTpies says:

    So impressive! I would LOVE for you to share this awesome mommy solution in my Mommy Club link up! Or any other ideas. Stop over!


  22. Tiffany says:

    I've never thought about making these myself, but what a fun idea! Yours turned out super cute.

  23. april@gingerbread says:

    These are awesome!!! I love all things candles…I hope you will link up with me here:

  24. Our Delightful Home says:

    This is such a awesome idea!

    PS: I am your newest Linky Follower.

    Mrs. Delightful

  25. Natural-Nesters says:

    How much fun is this?? We love this! We have a link party going on as well. Would you link up with us too? You could be featured next week!

    -your Newest Followers

  26. Jessica Kielman says:

    How cool is that? I love candles! I am hosting my first link party today and would love for you to link this up, along with anything else you like!

    Jessica @ Mom 4 Real

  27. Rachel says:

    How fun!! And you could do all kinds of different themes. I'd love for you to share this at my link party that runs through Sat.

  28. Polkadot-pretties says:

    Fabulous post,
    Thank you for linking your post up! , hope you will stop by today and link up another great post!!
    See you there
    Claire x

  29. Amanda Jones says:

    What a fun idea – I love that you can put fun items in the gel – so cute! I am visiting from TT&J and would love it if you'd visit back!


  30. Triny Kay says:

    those look so cute and fun to do! i have a cousin's wedding soon….these may be making an appearance =)

  31. Six Sisters says:

    So fun!! Love this! We would love you to come share this at our weekly link party every Saturday! -The Sisters

  32. Molly says:

    Wow! I've never tried to make one of these, but I might have to now with your fabulous tutorial! They'd be a great summer decor item for sure.
    I'd love for you to come link this up to my *Get Creative* party this week
    Hope to see you there!

  33. Kim @ Crafty Pink Anchor says:

    Pretty candles! These are really cool! Visiting from Serendipity and Spice Manic Monday.

  34. Katie Jakubs says:

    These are awesome! Such a fun tutorial!

    I would like to invite you to link up at my first link party going on now. I hope to see you there.

    Katie @ Little Becky Homecky

  35. Paula says:

    These are awesome! Thank you for stopping by and posting them in my Kid's Crafts Linky party 🙂 I think kids would really love making these, what a great afternoon project.

  36. Anna Williams says:

    This is such a fun project. I will have to try it one day. 🙂 Found you through the Linky party by the way.

  37. Meeha Meeha says:

    This is too cute! I love the blue ring in the middle of the candle! You make it seem so easy, I might even try it myself 🙂

  38. Kassi Mortensen says:

    I love the idea of being able to choose what little doodads to include in the gel! So pretty and fun!!! Thanks for sharing this on Fancy This Fridays this last week!
    ~Kassi @ Truly Lovely

  39. Chatty Chics says:

    Very cute! Love all the different versions! So creative! Thanks for sharing at my place! Please come back again tomorrow and share another if you can!

  40. Six Sisters says:

    Great idea. We loved having you join us at “Strut Your Stuff Saturday.” We hope you'll be back next week! -The Sisters

  41. Natasha Mairs says:

    I've always wondered how to make gel candles,

    Thanks for sharing on Serenity Saturday

    Natasha xxx

  42. Polkadot-pretties says:

    Fabulous project!!!
    Thank you for linking up, hope you will stop by my blog today and link up another great project…
    Claire xox

  43. breezesa says:

    Hi, I want to make gel candles but the embeds need to be glass or metal only (non-flammable only). I saw someone who was selling online and she had put a tea light at the top of the gel candle to avoid the wick burning down to the embeds. do you have any idea how she suspended the tea light at the top of the candle? You can't just put it in the gel as it is hardening (like you did to put yours closer to the top) because as the tea light gets hot it will melt the gel and it will sink into the candle. No? It's hard to find embeds that arent' flammable. Also 7 lbs of gel is $49 at Michaels and online you can get it cheaper but you have to buy an enormous amount of it. Any ideas to get it cheaper? Would appreciate any help.

  44. Hani Shabbir says:

    You can put the tea light on the top by first filling your container till where you want the tea light to float, then when it's hard place your tea light and fill gel around the tea light and let it harden. I think the tea light will sink in the gel candles but I'm not sure because I have never tried it! I am going to ask my Facebook readers just in case someone has any idea about it sinking, embeds and cheaper gel! I think you can find a good deal on bulk sale of gel at amazon and eBay but candle art has always been expensive.

    Your inquiry on my facebook page, find it here:

  45. Laura says:

    This is amazing. Looks so much better than normal candle wax as well! Great work!

  46. Briana Grohoske says:

    I am glad that I found this site because I had no idea what it was that I needed to make colored gel with.

  47. Mrs Kishan says:

    Hi , can u plz tel me do we need to paste the wick at the bottom or hold the wick and directly poure the melted gel wax .

  48. This is a fantastic idea. I am certain;y going to have to try this. Thank you so very much.

  49. lysette says:

    I tried to make gel candle don’t know what I did but it went white on me not transparent….also tried foos coloring did the same thing…HELP what am I doing wrong

    1. Hani Shabbir says:

      What colour was your gel in solid form, if it was transparent and you heat it in a clear stainless steel pan on low it should stay clear. Let me know!

  50. cantrell Taylor says:

    im just starting to do candles I am wondering if an idea will work my idea is to pour my wax (blue) then clear (gel ) and then another level (red) in the clear I found a few wax American flags that I was going to put in there I know I need to let each level harden completely but will the gell be too soft still or what can I use to make a seethrough center layer?

    1. Hani Shabbir says:

      Hi, gel will turn into a jelly-like form. I haven’t tried it but I think it should work. Good luck! Do share your results with us!

  51. Deborah Pick says:

    Sister and I made an oil candle with several items in it including oranges. In a week it turned murky. With gel can you use fruit and it stay good?

    1. Hani says:

      Gel doesn’t heat up as high as oil does, so I believe it should not change the appearance. But I haven’t personally tried with the real fruits.

  52. Ayoola says:

    Can You you use plastic ornaments in gel candle?

    1. Hani says:

      Yet you can but good quality plastic, the softer ones may melt.

  53. Chuck says:

    Pretty! This was a really wonderful post. Many thanks for providing this information.

  54. Victoria Jane says:

    Fantastic Post. This article is really beneficial.

  55. David Campbell says:

    I just finished reading your blog post, and I’m truly inspired by this creative DIY project! Gel wax candles are such a unique and beautiful addition to home decor, and your tutorial makes the process seem straightforward and enjoyable.

  56. Wes says:

    Howdy! I just want to offer you a big thumbs up for your excellent info you have got here on this post. I am coming back to your blog for more soon.

  57. Vivian says:

    Nice post. I learn something totally new and challenging on websites I stumbleupon everyday. It’s always helpful to read content from other authors and use a little something from other web sites.

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