Homemade whitening facial (Natural remedy)

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Before you read this natural skin remedy for homemade whitening facial. I want to clarify it doesn’t have anything to do with a skin color being better than other in anyway!

This homemade whitening facial is especially recommended only for South Asians. There is a continuous urge in some women there to have a white colored skin. To prevent them from doing crazy things like bleaching and using highly dangerous things, I am sharing this very natural and safe recipe with promising results. But it’s not magic. You will have to continue to use it everyday (without steam) for 3-4 weeks before you start seeing the changes. I recommend steam only once a month. Since, recent research shows steam opens up your pores and can lead to open pores problem.

I hope you will use this herbal remedy (natural remedy) to brighten up your skin color. Please avoid using promising whitening products, they can put you in trouble.

homemade whitening facialHomemade Whitening Facial

Wash your face and apply a moisturizer (the one that you use and like the results) over your face and neck and massage in circular and upward motions, use some water to keep it wet. Now wipe it off with a towel. Take steam for 10-15 minutes over boiling water in a pan and cover with a towel to prevent the water vapors from escaping.

Make a whitening paste ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp of lemon
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp of plain yogurt

Mix and apply it in your face with a brush. Leave it for 10 minutes. Wipe it off with a damp cloth and rinse your face with Luke warm water and pat dry. See the difference in 30 days.


Tightens your pores, remove excess oil from the skin, moisturizes and replenishes dry skin.

Lemon Juice:

 Brightens and softens the skin and lightens the complexion. It also removes blackheads.

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Hi, I’m Hani

I’m a mom of 2 decorating and soulfully designing our home. I love to share crafts and simple ideas for home and garden.

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  1. Hello Hani,
    Very useful tips…

  2. Swathi says:

    thanks for this tip hani !!! my face became dull post pregnancy and just do not have time to visit a parlour … these is pretty easy.. will try and let u know

  3. samiafaiza says:

    Do we have to use it everyday for a whole month?

    1. Hani Shabbir says:

      You can use it 3 times a week if you find it hard to do everyday.

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