Link Party. November 9th, 2022

Friday Link Party and Features {2/28}

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Do you believe in Luck? I had a hard one this week I confess! I don’t like to get into the stories when it’s Bad news but I’ll give a background! I hope you will not hate me! I’m not complaining here Trust me! We had a water leak in our place last Sunday. Luckily! We had firefighters come clear the mess up in time  And it was not too bad It’s good we are moving in Summer.

And I lost myself 3000 Pinterest followers. Because of adding a few unknown people to pin on my Group Board. Not totally unknown I had to remove the group board because I was unable to remove the invited person from the group board. Meanwhile in 5 minutes 3000 people were sucked up from my profile. I contacted pinterest later but they weren’t much help. Anyways  Lesson learnt!

Are you on Pinterest?

I would love to follow you! Leave a comment and I’ll come check you out

If you would like to follow me on Pinterest?

Off to the party now!

Friday Link Party and Features.

I love to feature your projects on Facebook and Pinterest  

So more people can see and love what you make!

Let’s start the Friday link party with last party’s features:

{Most Viewed}

Get Snow white Princess Party Pack free printables

Mighty Delighty.

{Some Favorite Features}

10 Home Improvement ideas using Paint and Patterns 
The wonderful features from last week’s party HERE

Turn a simple jar into a pencil holder with washi tape

Washi tape pencil holder by life with lovebugs.

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Hi, I’m Hani

I’m so glad you're here. I'm a mom of 2 with a passion for DIY and crafting. I love to share ideas for turning simple materials into beautiful home and garden decor that brings warmth and personality to any space.

Whether you're looking for inspiration or easy tutorials, you're in the right place! Stay a while, explore, and don't forget to follow along for new ideas. Let's create something beautiful together!

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  1. Suzan says:

    That’s awful news with Pinterest Hani!!!
    Hope you have a good wknd despite that – and thanks so much for hosting another great one!

  2. Eva Scott says:

    Sucks about your water leak and how strange about Pinterest. I get those random invites too but usually ignore them. 🙂 Thanks for the party!

  3. Thanks for featuring my Washi Tape Pencil Holder! Too bad to hear about the Pinterest issue. I’m still following you! 🙂 -Monika

  4. Christine says:

    That’s why I couldn’t see the group anymore?! Leaks suck! I’m glad you get to move in the summer 🙂

    Thanks for the party Hani!

  5. I feel like losing the Pinterest followers might be worse than the water leak! I’m already following you, but if I weren’t, I would give you another follow! Thanks for hosting!

  6. Donna Ingalls says:

    I have never heard of this Pinterest “scam.” How terrible for you. I really don’t understand the technology behind all of this, but it sounds like something they should be able to fix.

  7. DeeDee says:

    Awww, so sorry for the bad luck, but I’m hoping things will look up for you soon Hani! You can visit me on Pinterest here: I’m off to visit yours now.

    Thanks for the fun party girlie! 🙂

  8. Sharon B. says:

    Oh Hani, how terrible about the pinterest thing! I thought I was following you before but went back and wasn’t, so now I’m following. Here’s my pinterest pagei: if you want to follow. Hope you recover some of those pinners back soon!
    Thanks for hosting each week, as always. 🙂 Sharon

  9. Donna Wilkes says:

    Hani – Thank you for hosting.


  10. Thanks for hosting, Hani! Sorry you had a rough week…sounds awful…hope next week is better!

  11. Natashalh says:

    Oh, no!!!! I sadly (or perhaps happily?) learned my first week on Pinterest that I just couldn’t trust other people to pin to my boards =(

  12. Kathy Moody says:

    So sorry to hear about your water leak and your Pinterest followers. I keep getting all kinds of invites for boards and I have no clue who they are. Thanks for the warning!! I will make sure I’m following your new one. Thanks so much for hosting. Hope your weekend is much better than your week!


  13. Marji Roy says:

    Hani, Hope your luck has changed! Thanks for featuring my denim chevron pillow. I am still working with the huge pile of denim jeans I have and designed a couple more pillows and my 2013 Easter Eggs all in denim. I’ll be seeing blue soon! My pinterest account is here: Off to check your boards out.

  14. Jen Nikolaus says:

    Oh man. Water leak and Pinterest fiasco sound terrible!!! But, good news is I’m following you on Pinterest now! 😉 Thanks for always hosting such a great party! I’m so excited to dive into these talented blog links on here! Take care of yourself and I hope next week is better for you!!

    Jen @ Yummy. Healthy. Easy.

  15. Sorry you had a rough week, it’s sure to get better 😉 Thanks for hosting!


  16. jeanetteann says:

    Sorry to hear of your hassle with Pinterest. Thank you for the linky party I’ll follow you on Pinterest. 🙂

  17. So glad you got some help with the water leak! What a pain with Pinterest :/ I’m so sorry that happened to you! I already follow you – if you’d like to follow me, here’s my link –> …. Hoping you have a much better weekend and week next week 🙂 Thanks for the party!

  18. Terri Walker says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your Pinterest board. Technology can be a bear at times, can’t it? I’d love for you to follow me and I’ll follow you back:

  19. Stephanie says:

    Oh no!! I’m so sorry to hear about all of your bad luck. Really hoping things get better soon!!…and that the weekend is much better! Thanks so much for always hosting!
    Here’s my Pinterest link (just started one for my blog)

  20. What a rough week! How in the world does that happen with Pinterest….Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  21. Angela says:

    Thanks for the party. I started following some of your board on Pinterest if it makes you feel a little better. I hope you can get everything figured out.

  22. Oh, Hani, how awful about losing those Pinterest followers! I’m glad you had firefighters to help with the water damage, though. I’m following you on Pinterest now, too. If you haven’t already, I’d love if you’d come join my How To Tuesday link party, too.

  23. Hannah says:

    Thanks for hosting this week’s party – thanks for letting us know about Pinterest – good to be aware about it. Sorry to hear you lost all of your followers 🙁 Have a great weekend!

  24. Kristin says:

    I am so sorry to hear about pinterest. I became a follower there and love your boards. Thank you again for hosting a link party. Happy Crafting from

  25. Crystelle Boutique says:

    thank you so much for this fun party!

    hugs x

  26. carissa says:

    thanks for hosting! happy weekend!

  27. Katie says:

    Well you may have lost some followers (WOW 3000!!!) but happily I wasn’t one of them 🙂 Cause you have noticed right? You must have had a ton to start with because you’ve still got over 5000 when I look at your profile. Total bummer of a week, but the next one is bound to be better! And you could’ve had mine….sick kid on Monday with the croup, still sick kid on Friday with ear AND eye infections and bronchitis. The 19mo old is a hot mess. Anyhoo, thanks for your handy dandy reminder emails, I may not always have something worth sharing but they do prompt me to come over when I do! Linked up two things this time around. HUGS?

  28. I am on Pinterest and I think we are following each other already but just in case here is my link:

    Thanks for hosting this party! I linked up my St. Patrick’s Day Banner, which I am loving looking at each day! It makes me happy!

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